“Jeeze, what a life…” a final blog post from Jeanne

“Jeeze, what a life. What a ride this has been. What a phony, sexy, drug-induced hallucination.” -Old Jules

Well, folks, it’s time to end the blog posts. I’ve tried to keep Jack’s words alive over the last 2 1/2 years by posting from his former blogs, letters, and miscellaneous writing. I’m awfully glad I did all this during lockdown two years ago, as I’ve enjoyed re-reading along with you. Special thanks to those who have “liked,” commented, and shared these elsewhere.

My youngest daughter, Julia (the recipient of some of those letters) is getting married in a week. After that, I’ll reassess what to do with Jack’s legacy of writing. There is more material, especially of the “Ask Old Jules” variety. I’d love to see a book of those so I’ll delve into that material first. Since they were not saved in any particular order, that will be time-consuming to organize. If I can pull it together, it will be published through Lulu.com like the previous volumes of blog posts.

“Oracle” cards are still hugely popular. I’d love to design a deck of cards with some his quotations, so that will also be on my mind as I go through the Q&A material. I’m under no illusion that either of these projects will be lucrative, it’s just for me. Jack would shake his head and laugh if anyone ever had the impression that he was wise. But his words are still helpful to me. And the creative learning curve of such a project appeals to me.

The blog will still be here, but I may not be checking for comments as often. The published books will always be available on https://www.lulu.com/ Just search under “Jeanne Kasten” or “Jack Purcell.” They are in order by year, starting with 2005.

If anyone wants to make suggestions or contact me, please leave a comment or an email (elisekasten@hotmail.com). If you email, be sure to put “So Far From Heaven” in the subject line so I don’t miss your remarks.

I’m grateful to all of you for reading, commenting, and thinking about his words over all these years that the blog has been in place. You’ll see more here if I come up with something relevant in the future.

Best wishes to everyone for the new year.

Jeanne Kasten

10 responses to ““Jeeze, what a life…” a final blog post from Jeanne

  1. Thank you for keeping Jack’s reflections for us to review again. I appreciate your efforts and his commentaries.

  2. I will always remember when I first discovered “So Far From Heaven.” I followed the blog for quite a years and your daily posts after his death made his daily posting much easier to take. Thank you Jeanne, you are a blessing. Best wishes to you and your family.

  3. You’ve done a fine job, Jeanne. It’s been a nice tribute to Jack. Happy New Year!

  4. jack always had interesting comments about the world around him. i would have loved to have read what he had to say about the plandemic.

  5. I’ve enjoyed rereading Jack’s posts. He certainly made some accurate observations of the world we live in. Thanks for posting. Publish his words in any way you see fit. It would be a good thing for you as well as a tribute to Jack.

  6. Thanks, Jeanne, for keeping Jules’ memory alive here. I enjoyed revisiting his blog through you a lot. Well, actually he has always been alive in my memory.
    All the best for you,

  7. I am going to miss this blog. It was one of the first that I followed. Good Luck

    • Well…. you could hit that calendar and go way back to random months in the past and see what comes up. The blog won’t go away, all the material will stay here as long as I’m around to monitor it from time to time.

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