Tag Archives: Events

Homeland Security: Just wait ’till you see the False Flag we’ve got for you 9/11/2014

Hi readers.  Thanks for coming by for a read.

Support the Troops

As I’ve made perfectly clear on this blog, I don’t trust this 21st Century US government and I don’t believe there’s a lowest common denominator the folks running it would stoop to.  Have probably already stooped to, to manipulate the minds of the citizenry, give themselves more power, and blame it on someone else.

Seems to me there’s enough going on today, and plenty of confusion for a setting, so’s the 9/11/2014 might be the next BIG DAY for them to roll out a new piece of theater.  I’m not saying it will happen, but I’m saying if it does, the possibility exists that having the day earmarked and frowning at it as it develops might lead to greater understanding after-the-fact.  Might seal off the emotions it’s contrived to create and allow clear thinking while examining it from the front.

Could be something with this silly Ebola thing they’ve been waving the bloody flag about seemingly trying to work up to something, but that doesn’t seem a likely candidate.  Too difficult to twist it around and blame it on the Arabs, or the Russians.  Or Iran, or North Korea.  Those have the best potential as boogiebears, but these folks are sneaky.  It could turn out to be something entirely unexpected.

But if someplace gets hit, say Japan, or the Golan Heights, or Paris, Edinwossname, Scotland [because of that Independence vote coming up] with a small thermonuclear device, say, hold in your mind the possibility it’s not as it seems.  That the Arabs, or the Russians, or the Persians, or whatever other usual suspect they point the finger at, aren’t the guilty parties.

Assuming this twitching at the back of my neck is correct and someone’s going to take advantage of the day to burn another one in your memories, it mightn’t be a nuke.  It might be something else calculated to have everyone running around in increasingly smaller circles giving up any constitutional rights standing in the way of destroying the alleged responsible parties.

And if it does transpire, probably we’ll all be doing precisely as we’re expected to do.  Those folks have studied us for a long time.  They know where to punch all the right buttons to make us salivate.

But they are doling out a few hints.  The Russian thing lately seems a good possibility, something about ISIS, North Korea is always good, maybe nuking Seoul or Tokyo.  And Israel’s been hoping for some really compelling means of getting us into a war with Iran for the LONGEST time.  And there’s ISIS.

Anyway, maybe keeping some distance, retaining some skepticism and analytical ability is the best any of us can hope for.

Or better yet, maybe it won’t happen.

Old Jules


The Implosion Conspiracy – Louis Nizer – How the USSR got the Atomic Bomb

I noticed someone found the blog about the conspiracy to sell the atomic bomb to the Rooskies by Louis Nizer. Caused me to read it over again, then to decide I’d enjoy actually checking it out of a library for another time through it. What I said about it in the February 2012 blog entry surprised me. I remember almost none of it. Jack

So Far From Heaven

When Louis Nizer penned The Implosion Conspiracyit might be said enough time had passed to provide perspective.  Two decades had passed since the trial and execution of the Rosenbergs rocked the nation.  Nizer disliked Communists, asserted he’d refuse to defend one in his profession as a defense attorney.  However, he wrote a lengthy analysis of the trial, the transcripts, testimonies, the individuals involved in an even-handed manner that wouldn’t have been possible during the Commie craze days of the events.

Basic events leading to the trial:  The US was developing the atomic bomb at Los Alamos, New Mexico during the late stages of WWII.  The information was being shared with the US Ally, Britain, but kept secret from the US Ally, the USSR.  Elaborate security measures were in place to assure the developments remained the exclusive property of the US and British governments.  Elaborate almost beyond description, devised by the US military…

View original post 673 more words

Just what this country needs – Rich Frenchmen instead of poor kids from Latin America

Hi readers.  I’ve mentioned in earlier posts that I believe the belligerence, aggression and atrocities of Israel might bring a resurgence of violence directed at Jews living elsewhere.  A re-emergence of the brand of anti-Semitism that led to the German camps.  Maybe that’s what’s happening in Europe now.  A beginning wealthy French Jews are willing to leave the country to avoid.

Interestingly they didn’t choose Israel as their new home.  One can hope none who have Israeli citizenship will be allowed to settle here as US citizens with dual citizenship.  We sure as hell don’t need any more of those.

The bad news:  “While Israel feels more familiar to many of those seeking to migrate – it’s nearby and many already have Israeli passports”

Wealthy French Jews Are Fleeing Anti-Semitism and Bringing Their Money

Wealthy French Jews Are Fleeing Anti-Semitism and Bringing Their Money

A “fixer” named Marlen Kruzhkov has helped dozens of rich guys move their families — and over $1 billion — to NYC

A French propaganda poster from 1942 asks “Who steals our North Africa? Roosevelt.” And blames the Jews. So, who steals Israel’s neighbor, Palestine?

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, reads Lady Liberty’s welcome. Every year since New York City’s founding, tens of thousands have crossed over the Atlantic to trade in their European chapeaux for American caps. This year, New York has increasingly become home to one particular population seeking American status: Jewish Frenchmen.

Marlen Kruzhkov, an attorney at New York’s Gusrae Kaplan, specializes in helping Jews make the move from France to the States. Mr. Kruzhkov explained to the Observer in a phone interview that this migration has increased massively since the beginning of 2014, spurred by a spate of anti-semitic incidents, which only worsened with the war between Israel and Hamas. While last year he helped a handful of families with legal arrangements, today he is handling the arrangements of several dozen families—parents with children—looking to make the move. The families Mr. Kruzhkov works with are predominantly well-off investors, with an average net worth of $50 to $70 million. These dollars come along for the all-American ride.

As any good lawyer does, Mr. Kruzhkov begins his conversations with the families he represents by asking, “Why this, why now? Why do you want to be here and invest here?” Unanimously, the answer is French anti-Semitism.

“The truth is, there has always been a large [amount of] anti-Semitism in Europe, and particularly in France,” explains Mr. Kruzhkov. “France is a weird country because it has a large Jewish and large Muslim population, so there is a real tension, a real undercurrent of hostility and a threat. Now, it has become a lot easier for people to become a lot more open about their anti-Semitism and hate. Even a year ago, they were shocked.” Jewish people account for one percent of France’s population, whereas Muslims make up five to ten percent. The vast majority of Frenchmen are Roman Catholics.

For this Jewish population, there are two main options when it comes to moving: the United States or Israel. While Israel feels more familiar to many of those seeking to migrate – it’s nearby and many already have Israeli passports — Mr. Kruzhkov notes that their businesses are often the key to determining a location.

“Israel is a small place, business opportunities are less, there is much more red tape.The US is easier; it’s a great place to do business, less red tape.” Nonetheless, it is anti-Semitism, not business opportunities, that is driving the Jewish population out of France. “It’s no question, the driving force is the anti-Semitism, but the reason they are choosing the US is due to sound business reasons.”

For some who are looking to move, their funds go first, and then the discussion of relocating the family begins. While their wealth often ends up in the United States, not all families choose to immigrate, at least not immediately. Almost all of Mr. Kruzhkov’s clients aim to move their wealth from France; 75 percent of them consider immigration. Fifty percent end up going through with the move. In some cases, investments head to the States while the family moves to Israel. From the roughly two-dozen families he has represented thus far this year, an estimated $1.44 billion in wealth has moved from France to New York as a result of the rising anti-Semitism in France.

A client of Mr. Kruzhkov who spoke with the Observer on the condition of anonymity offered his explanation for the move. “It was not an easy decision to move to Israel but I felt that France was not a long-term option for me and my family. There was never any question that a significant portion of our wealth was going to be invested in the US. The economic environment in the EU in general, and France specifica development.

As part of his business, Mr. Kruzhkov works to connect his clients with realtors who can provide off-the-market deals. Before a major commercial listing or development site hits the market, his clients have been given the opportunity to make a bid. In many cases, this helps secure their privacy, as many are looking to move from France quietly. “They are looking for help, A to Z, they don’t know who to trust, so they are looking to us for the entire buying process. We try to introduce them with whom we have a relationship, people we can trust. A lot of people go through third parties because they don’t want it known that they are the ones investing. They want to make sure that it is private, even though it is, of course, legal. They just don’t want it well known that they are buying.”

For now, the families seem quite pleased with this decision. They look forward to visiting France as tourists. A client recently explained to Mr. Kruzhkov, “The reason to stay is family tradition? Okay, come back and visit then. If I feel nostalgic, I will come back and stay in a hotel.”lly, is weak and I just do not see it getting any better soon. As for Israel, while we plan to reside there, the economic opportunities are limited. The US is stable and transparent with an economy that is broad-based and only getting better. We particularly liked the safety of New York real estate.”

For those seeking to secure their fortunes away from their homeland, real estate in Manhattan is often the most stable and reasonable investment. Mr. Kruzhkov’s clients often look into real estate in London and Hong Kong, which are considerably more expensive than New York. By comparison, they view New York’s diverse real estate scene as a reasonably priced. “What they are looking for is stability,” explained Mr. Kruzhkov. “When you buy a thirty million dollar building in Manhattan, it won’t be worth less than thirty in five years. It’s a unique animal. It has been historically stable with a nice growth rate over time. And if you’re buying something for cash, it’s very easy to sit there, even if there is a momentary dip.”

Reba Miller, owner and founder of RPMiller Realty Group, which has a number of French national clients, has also picked up on the buying trend within the French Jewish population. She told the Observer, “Political unrest in France has seen a spur of activity from French investors in the last few months. I would not be surprised to see many deals done in real estate over the next few months by French Jews who seek a safe haven for their money. While there’s anti-Semitism, many Jews do not feel safe – and NYC real estate is seen as a safe investment as it always has been and shall continue to be.”

As these families look to move their financial portfolios, they often diversify and reorganize them in the process. Many view real estate as a “hedge investment for diversification.” With this in mind, most seek “pre-existing income-producing properties.” However, Mr. Kruzhkov has found that some of his clients are willing to be “adventurous” in their move, and therefore are getting into

Ah well.   More Frenchmen, more multi-million dollar Israelis living in style to buy off politicians and make sure Israel gets enough weaponry to wipe out all the non-Jewish Palestinians.  Lucky they’ve got New York to hide in.  They’ll be safe there from all those French anti-Semites.

The coyotes bring Hispanica across the southern border and make a few thousand in advance for their trouble.  The Snakeheads gang bring Asians in from all directions and get $70,000 per capita.

So what’s the price for bringing in some French millioneer Israeli?  And what do you suppose this Snakehead Coyote calls himself as a job title?

Old Jules

Hitler’s car, Dillinger’s car and The Last Supper

Hi readers.  When Keith Kelt and I were kids in Portales there wasn’t a heluva lot to do.  But occasionally a sideshow in a tractor-trailer would show up and park on the city square.  Word spread quickly and lines of Portales adults and kids who could afford, what?  A nickle?  Must have been because I wouldn’t have been able to afford much more.

Anyway, one of those transit shows was Hitler’s car:



Hitler’s Car or should I say will the real Hitler’s Car please stand up!

I am looking for a photograph of Pete Sevich’s Hitler’s Armor-Plated Limousine display. I would also be interested in any other Hitler Car sideshows photos.Rick West, Nacogdoches Texas
Rick, as I was researching to answer your question I found that at the end of World War II, Many Mercedes Cars were imported from Europe and put on display on midways as Hitler’s personal limousine. I was unable to find a picture of Pete Sevich Armor Plated Limousine display but I have included three photographs. One of a Hitler Car on display in France and two others of Hitler in his personal limousine. In 1948 Christopher Janus first exhibited a Hitler car which drew large crowds while on display at the New York Museum of Science and Industry. The Amusement Corporation of America started their summer fairs in Springfield, III with his attraction. The car was supervised by Cliff Wilson and was driven to the Springfield fairgrounds. A newspaper reporter from Chicago rode along and it was reported that there were crowds of 5,000 people daily at 50 cents for Adults and 25 cents for children. There was also a photograph of Hitler in Berlin in 1941 riding in his car.

The description on display with the car stated, “All the glass on the vehicle is an inch and a half thick, right side front door is a built in case that holds a Luger pistol. Behind the rear seat is a leather covered sheet of armor that cranks up manually. The car has a 153 inch wheel base making it a long car. It is also heavy, weighing 9,500 pounds. It has an eight cylinder overhead valve motor capable of developing 230 horsepower. The transmission consists of five speeds forward and one reverse plus an overdrive that can be used at speeds up to 125 miles per hour. The large gas tank holds 60 gallons.”

The Hennies Brothers Shows exhibited the car in April of 1949 when they opened their tour in Little Rock Ark.

In 1972 the Miami Herald reported that a 770 K Mercedes was to be auctioned in Scottsdale Az. It was a car that Hitler, Mussolini and Mannerheim had ridden in on state occasions. The car was later shipped from Finland to Sweden so it wouldn’t be captured by the Russians. It was later traded to an American firm by the Swedish government.

Pete Sevich had his Hitler car on the World of Mirth shows in Pennsylvania. It was not the only Hitler car touring at the time. “Adolph Hitler’s Genuine Personal Armored Limousine” and, in parentheses, “Not One That He Just Rode In.” The Prospect Association which was the owner of this Hitler car mounted it in a semi trailer and sold 229,000 paid admissions at one exhibition. In 1957 the car was touring in Texas its owner put it up for sale advertising to the best offer over $3,500.

Pete Sevich on the 1957 World of Mirth Shows midways billed his exhibit as “Hitler’s $35,000 Armored Limousine.” Pete was still booking his car as late as 1966. The trailer it was exhibited on had a 28 foot display area for the car with an eight foot living area over the fifth wheel. Bill Hall bought the trailer so he could display his model of the World of Mirth Shows. Bill was a carnival showman, collector and did band organ restoration. He said the car later was proved to be a fraud and was taken off exhibition and sold for $30,000.
The War Museum in Canada which reported to have one of two real Hitler cars in North America. Their car was first exhibited to raise money to help pay off the war debt. The car was sold in 1956 and 14 years later it was acquired by the museum after it was shown at the Montreal exhibition Man and His World.
There was only one other authentic Hitler car and it had been on display at a Las Vegas casino called the Imperial Palace in there Auto Collection, which included rare models and dozens of vehicles once owned by the rich and infamous. There’s Czar Nicholas II’s 1914 Rolls Royce, Japanese Emperor Hirohito’s 1935 Packard and Adolf Hitler’s 1939 Mercedes. You can also see the cars of several US presidents, and Howard Hughes’ 1954 Chrysler (the air purifier cost more than the car). About 200 vehicles are on display. The museum is located in the Imperial Palace casino, on The Strip.
The owner of the Imperial Palace Ralph Engelstad who started the Auto Collection was a big fan of Nazi memorabilia and had a private “War Room” full of the Nazi Collectibles. He got in big trouble with the Nevada Gaming Control Board for having private parties celebrating Hitler’s birthday that included swastika cakes. He was investigated by the FBI for connections to Neo-Nazi groups. He died in 1993 and since then the Auto Collection has sold off some of there coolest cars, including the Hitler and Mussolini cars. I contacted The Auto Collection at the Imperial Palace which now only sales cars. I was told that 4 years ago the museum closed and they didn’t know where the Hitler Car or what the owner did with it.
There is also a car that might have been owned by Hitler on display at the roadside attraction “The Thing” in Arizona. “The Thing is … we can’t prove it”. http://www.roadsideamerica.com/attract/AZCOCthing.htmlJohn Robinson Sideshow World

Some information derived from AL Stencell Seeing is Believing

Another I recall was John Dillinger’s Terraplane.  In those days it was black, though as I remember it.  Interesting thing about it was the ash tray in the back seat opened to a tube he could pour roofing nails into.  They’d exit from an exhaust-like pipe in back to give flats to pursuers.

 The getaway car used by gangster John Dillinger in 1934 is on the move during this 77th anniversary of the infamous outlaw’s death.

Dillinger’s 1933 Essex Terraplane now is at the Richmond, Va., convention center, where it’ll stay until late next year. It had been on display 18 months at the Baltimore airport,

The car, valued at about $150,000, is on loan from the National Museum of Crime and Punishment in Washington, D.C. It was displayed there from 2008 until early 2010.

Dillinger escaped from the law several times before he was tracked to a Chicago theater and shot to death by police as he went for his gun when leaving the theater July 22, 1934.

Dillinger bought the Terraplane in March 1934 from the Potthoff Bros. Motor Co. in St. Paul, according to a history compiled by Brotman Winter Fried Communications, promoting the car’s exhibition. Dillinger and his brother, Hubert, crashed it into a farm field April 7, 1934, according to the history.

The dashing red Terraplane was more flamboyant than the infamous gray 1934 Ford V-8 used by robber Clyde Barrow and girlfriend Bonnie Parker at about the same time:

Barrow stole his ride, though, rather than buying it, and ran up some 2,500 miles before the end.

Barrow loved the car and wrote a letter to Henry Ford on April 10, 1934, to “tell you what a dandy car you make.

“I have driven Fords exclusively when I could get away with one. For sustained speed and freedom from trouble the Ford has got ever other car skinned, and even if my business hasn’t been strictly legal, it don’t hurt anything to tell you what a fine car you got in the V-8.”

Parker and Barrow were gunned down by police in a Louisiana ambush May 23, 1934. Their bullet-riddled Ford sedan has been a prized collector’s item and display piece.

The third one I remember was a lifesize rendition of The Last Supper.  Hell, there might have been a lot more I didn’t get to see, or might have forgotten.

Jeanne remembers seeing one when she was a kid in Overland Park, Kansaas, that had props from popular movies.  She only remembers the shoes Dorothy wore in Wizard of Oz.

If those were going around today they’d have to charge $25 per head to pay for the fuel and the local cops just to set up shop anywhere.

Old Jules






Alice Cooper: “My fake beheadings are ‘way better then theirs!”

Alice Cooper covers the Bob Dylan song “Isis”

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor (apologies to Bob & Alice, and Ted & Carol too if that will stop them from suing us)


By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor (apologies to Bob & Alice, and Ted & Carol too if that will stop them from suing us)

I was “captured” by “ISIS” on the fifth day of May
Knew my head wouldn’t stay on my neck very long
So I gave them the slip and I rode straight away
For the Occupied country where I could not go wrong

I came to a studio of darkness and light
With a fake desert backdrop and a fake Arab town
There were Hollywood props on my left and my right
And a fake chopping block where I laid my head down

A mensch in the corner drew his ersatz sword
I knew right away it was not ordinary
He said “Should we chop your head off now or later?”
I said “For real?”. He said “That ain’t necessary”

He showed me where Fatty Bin Laden was faked
I gave him my neck and he gave me his word
That his chop wouldn’t hurt and my neck wouldn’t break
I said “That’s the best news that I’ve ever heard”

I was thinking about silver I was thinking about gold
I was thinking about diamonds and the Rothschilds too
As he lifted his sword my neck tingled so cold
That the nape-hairs stood upright and my throat turned blue

When he brought down that sword I almost crapped my pants
But it stopped one sixteenth of an inch from my neck
Then they altered the footage and added some gore
Though it wasn’t a triumph of special effects

Then they gave me a new face and twenty new names
And said “keep it quiet or we’ll chop it for real”
I accepted their money and half of the blame
And gave them my word that I never would squeal

On the flight to wherever my airplane was headed
The guy in the next seat was reading the news
When I saw my old face and read I was beheaded
I was sure glad I wasn’t in that poor schmuck’s shoes

They broke into my tomb but the casket was empty
There was no headless body, they knew they’d been had
The conspiracy theorists were yammering plenty
My “beheading,” they argued, was pathetically bad

They revealed my secret, but what did it matter?
The media never would print what they said
And so – bugger all their conspiracy chatter! –
I did well when I let “ISIS” chop off my head

There’s something refreshing about this

Hi readers. Thanks for coming by for a read.  I don’t know anything much about Joan Rivers.  I wasn’t even aware she was still alive to die.  I recall seeing her on television maybe 30-40 years  ago.  But the orgies of synthetic grief and posturing admiration every time some celebrity croaks have never seemed to me to be a healthy thing.  In this brave new century maybe this other alternative is the healthy one.

At least it’s different.  Old Jules

Still Dead So Far

Did the God of Abraham Kill Joan Rivers?

If Only We Could Be Sure… By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Infowars, Alex Jones and the fiendish monstrosities of the “entertainment industry” mourn the death of that evil bitch, Joan Rivers. Before slipping into a coma, a life lived far too long, she advocated the slaughter of Palestinian children, claimed the first lady of the United States was a transsexual and accused President Obama of being as gay as his predecessor.

Rivers was a monster, our biggest concern at this time is to make sure she is still dead.

Her talent, for those who have seen her stage performance in Las Vegas is smut and fart jokes. At her best, she was boorish, tasteless and vile.

She got worse. She became a hate ridden monster, a freakish Zionist advocate of mass murder, a purveyor of continual lies, smears, filth and depravity. Everything wrong about Hollywood or being Jewish is what Rivers represents.

I am ashamed she was an American. I am ashamed of those who failed to stand against her and the powerful lobby that supported her.

So many decent people die all the time. So many of them were Jewish including Robin Williams, subject to continual smears. He was worth a thousand “Joan Rivers.” Robin Williams was a flawed human being, an American, an addict, hilarious, a man who cared about people, a Jew sometimes, a human being all the time.

Alex Jones says President Obama had Rivers assassinated. If only it were true.

What Robin Williams wasn’t is whatever Joan Rivers was, who will be mourned, cried over and lied about. Burn in hell Joan.


Sandy Hook Madness – Identifying the lunatic[s]

Hi readers.  Luckily I just don’t give a damn.  But this Sandy Hook thing’s all out of hand.

Snopes put it all aside, laid it firmly to rest January, 2013.  Addressed it all calmly in that irritatingly smug Snopes fashion and has never again let the subject darken their door.  http://www.snopes.com/politics/guns/newtown.asp

Shortly later in February, 2013, Huffington Post put the whole thing to sleep offering up all manner of point-by-point reasoned arguements and explanations:  Sandy Hook Hoax Theories Explained: Why Newtown ‘Truther’ Arguments Don’t Hold Up, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/11/sandy-hook-hoax-theories-explained-debunking-newtown-truther_n_2627233.html

But as Walter Brennon used to say about them Shoshones, they just “kep a’ comin’!”  Every day some new doppelganger shows up, some missing birth or death certificate, some piece of vital-but-never-the-less photoshopped evidence.

A person could walk away from it all as legitimately believing the Lanza shooter never existed, or didn’t exist on the day of the shooting, as believing t’other extreme.  Every shred of evidence in the one direction appears to be offset by equally [pick one: (a-valid)(b-absurd)] and damning proof for the other side.

In a sane world the default position would be that officialdom and their statements were a reflection of reality.  And the burden of proof would be on anyone wishing to put forward another viewpoint.

Unfortunately, the Internet and a decade of this new century have proved officialdom is composed of liars as sneaky and Byzantine in their motives as the rest of us, perhaps more so.  No doubt they’re completely capable of doing what the Sandy Hook “Truthers” accuse them of.  Provided they were sufficiently motivated to do so.

So draw straws, or follow your gut feel if you want to believe one side or the other.  And be comforted knowing you’re as likely to be on the side of the angels as anyone holding any other view.

Old Jules


A matter of perspective – Photoshopped beheading isn’t necessarily permanent

Hi readers.  Thanks for coming by for a read.

People tell one another, or are told, and naturally come to believe there’s something barbaric about beheading as a form of execution.  Which is merely an example of cultural brainwashing, as opposed to the reality of barbarism.  I’m trying to recall how many British nobility I could actually name who exited the vehicle by that method.  A fair lot.

And as long as the French used the death penalty, up well into the 20th Century, the guillotine was the tool of choice because headsman skills with an axe were iffy, at best.  But the while French have never been precisely non-barbaric, barbarism isn’t one of the traits everyone else likes least about them.

Anyway, so these folks in the Middle East who aren’t Israeli citizens are possibly beheading some people they want to kill instead of shooting them or blowing their arms and legs off with artillery.  That probably isn’t a defining behavior separating barbarians from non-barbarians.  As nearly as I can tell everyone in the Middle East, including Americans visiting there, US military, Israeli, Muslim, you name it, is either barbaric, or is closely related to barbarians by blood.

So, Steven Sotloff.  Maybe the what?  Islamists?  Killed this Israeli with a dual-citizenship that included the United States and stood a middling good chance of also being a Mossad agent.  Sotloff.  Maybe.

If Sotloff’s dead, and if he’s dead from being beheaded, and if it was Islamists who beheaded him, well, heck.  They thought he was an Israeli!  A Mossad agent!  What would any non-Israeli in that part of the world do if they caught a Mossad agent?  They’d be crazy not to.

But you can’t trust anything that comes out of that part of the world.  A growing body of opinion among conspiracy theorists has both of those recent orange jumpsuited beheadings as photoshopped phonies.  Among those believing that, a lot also believe the studio where the beheading video drama was created is in Israel.  And that if anyone is dead as a result, the cadavers are in Israel.

 If, in fact, these individuals are dead, then it is up to the Israeli government to return their bodies. If, as is much more likely the case, at least one or these videos is a hoax, a hoax with dead victims, a hoax with live victims, but certainly a hoax, no doubt about that, some authority inside Israel, preferably one not directly involved in the hoax itself, should investigate, should such an authority exist at some point in the future, which we find unlikely.

We have had so many hoaxes all out of Israel, all from the same people, all sent through the same scammers in the US, that getting to the bottom of this one took less than five minutes. Think “Rita Katz.”

This is the third outing for the designer orange silk “jump suits” thus far. Last year they were the rage in Tel Aviv shops, today they are all about beheadings. There is one problem, not that Alex Jones and InfoWars reporting the Foley beheading was a phony, a position the US State Department is now reconsidering as well, warned us off the story.

The problem is “Site Intelligence,” better known to insiders as “bin Laden Studios,” the Israeli video fakery group that kept turning out bin Laden videos, short fat bin Ladens, old ones, young ones, then, eventually, only audio tapes, as though bin Laden, confirmed to have died in 2001 after denying, according to the CIA, all involvement in 9/11, had magically come back to life.


So, the burning question is, is a fake beheading still barbaric?  Is it only barbaric if Muslims fake the video, or is it also barbaric if Israeli photoshoppers trump it up for reasons almost certainly manipulative at a level nearing barbarianhood?

Nevermind all those 40,000 people with destroyed homes in Gaza, the be-leggings and be-armings of children, women, old folks, even [gasp] regular non-Hamas men killed and maimed of late.

I’m only interested in barbarism of a particular nature.  I want it clean and well lighted, performed by Arab-looking people.

Old Jules

Someone needs to tell the wife of that ex-US President to hush the hell up

Now the damned woman’s saying this guy in the What House should be showing leadership.  Jaysus H. Cheeeerist!  Leadership is the last thing we need in the What House.  Leadership manifested in the human form of a series of What House residents is what got us into this mess.

Leadership, for that matter, is what the What House missus and her butch ladyfriend, Janet Reno, demonstrated when they lined up the US Army, the US Navy, the US Airforce, the FBI, the DWI, the AWOL and everyone else available and  burned  Mount Pleasant down around the ears of dozens of men, women and children Christians.  Texas Christians.  Texas Christians who were never accused of breaking any Federal statute.

No, leadership, now and for the remainder of the 21st Century, is forbidden to enter the US Office of President.  Especially if anyone aspiring to that office should be elected to it.

Henceforth US leadership needs to come more openly from Israel.  Which is where it’s been coming from all along, but now it needs to be open and aboveboard about it.

At which time the systematic occupation of the What House by women, women of Hispanic Origin, women of Asian Origin, women of Native American Origin, women of female Origin can begin and continue until all catagories and subcatatories of women have occupied the What House, redecorated it, given it some tasteful alterations, new drapes and re-upholstered all the furniture.

Old Jules

A less-biased source of Israeli news

Palestinian children collect water in Khan Yunis.

Hi readers.  Thanks for coming by for a read.

Luckily, what happens in Israel and Palestine shouldn’t be a concern to US citizens.  It’s none of our business.  Or it wouldn’t be if we in the US weren’t sponsoring the Israeli land grabbing, looting and ravaging of the land next door outside their legal boundaries established by the United Nations and International Law.

But US taxpayers have sent $130 billion dollars, mostly in the form of weapons, to Israel.  And that makes every US citizen somewhat responsible for what Israel does with those weapons.

My personal thought is that I, none of us, can trust most media reports about what’s going on in the Middle East, particularly where Israel is involved.  The US news media has had a love affair with Israel for at least half-century.  They barely reported the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty which lasted several hours and left more than 100 US servicemen as casualties.  The conventional media slanted all reports of the Six Day War and the Yom Kipper War to seem Israel was the defender instead of the country initiating surprise attack.

Israel started every war it has ever fought.  Which has somehow escaped the notice of most of the conventional news media.  And Israel has gobbled up more land outside its borders after every war of Israeli aggression.  And blamed it all on the Arabs.

But I’ve digressed.  I wanted to tell you about a Jewish website where the reporting is evidently somewhat more honest.  Maybe not as good as it could be, but better than anything you are likely to see elsewhere.  They don’t appear to be the usual rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth, kill’em all and let God sort them out Zionists, anyway.

Evidently they don’t go overboard with it, any more than Arabs would be likely to get fanatic about accurate and unbiased reporting of events.  But http://www.haaretz.com/news comes nearer to being a source of attempted truthfulness than I’ve found thus far.

Unfortunately they want to charge a buck for access after the first few stories.  Which I have no intention of paying.

It’s entirely possible everyone within the borders of Israel and Palestine is not a lunatic religious fanatic terrorist killer.  But there’s no evidence of the fact manifested in the behavior of Israelis, Palestinians, or dual-citizenship US citizens who march undercover as Israelis disguised as Americans.

Maybe if  http://www.haaretz.com/news was more widely distributed, more readily available to interested non-Jews there’d be a believable side to something Americans hear and see about Israel and Palestine.

Old Jules