Why the Jews used to be God’s Chosen People but aren’t any more

Hi Readers.   Thanks for coming by for a read.

After we prayed Old Sol up this morning I was explaining to the cats about how and why God picked the Jews for his Chosen People and didn’t give a hoot in hell for any of the rest of humanity.

He did it out of hunger, I explained patiently.  God looked around and, while nobody down there was any great shakes, there were a lot of them.  Trying to make human beings as a species Chosen instead of a single pocket of them was just not worth the effort.  The Jews would do okay for a while until something else came along.

Things began to look up after 1492, and after 1776, God could see he finally had some worthwhile raw material to work with down there on earth.  And the more He looked at the situation the better He liked it.

Today God couldn’t care less about any Jews besides the ones living in America.  He’s completely indifferent about Roman Catholics living all over the place except America.  Same with Zen Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims.  Same with Latter Day Saints, and the various Native American religions.  Americans are Gods Chosen People today.  All of them.  God cares more about an American atheist than He does about a Roman Pope, because at least that atheist is an American.  Chosen.

Just like before, when it was only Jews, God doesn’t give a hoot in hell about anyone else on the planet.

God loves American Jews, Muslims, Mormons, Christians, Taoists, you name it.  And He has perfectly good reasons for doing it, same as he had originally when he made regular Jews His Chosen People, and they blew it. 

The competition back then was just no great shakes.  It still isn’t.

If you don’t believe me look at all those shale oil deposits they’re suddenly finding under the United States every time they poke a hole in the ground.   If that doesn’t convince you look around a bit more.  Americans have Chinamen working three shifts to build their toasters.  They’ve got Japanese designing and manufacturing their cars instead of worrying about having two-headed offspring.  They’ve got Middle Easterners giving them excuses to keep a military establishment big enough to fight the USSR in the golden days of the Cold War.  They’ve got Israel keeping things stirred up so’s there’s no danger anyone much will survive what’s going to happen there.

If Americans aren’t God’s Chosen People why are they building that big fence on the US Border with Mexico?  Do you think all that starving and killing going on everywhere, say in South America and Africa happened by accident?  Hell no it didn’t.    You don’t see that kind of crap happening to God’s Chosen People.

God bless America.

Old Jules

22 responses to “Why the Jews used to be God’s Chosen People but aren’t any more

  1. As much as you wish it to be so you are no different than the rest of the American narcissists or standing out from American Narcissism. It is not a God that chooses you after all humans created God and Religion. Your kind declared themselves the inheritors of the children of Israel as the chosen children of god, alas there is no such thing and the disciples of Jesus and Muhammad pretend to hold the only truth which they subverted from the Judaic framework. Therefore actual closeness is nothing but a figment of human imagination, and the mother of narcissism.
    But you took the cake philosophizing on what you know not!

  2. You make me laugh. I like your… logic, for want of a better word.

  3. Don’t know what made you laugh Trapper, or what you understood from my comment Jules and Trapper. The closeness is a metaphor to commitment to certain morality and ethics as a way of life which both Christianity and Islam subverted and bent to their advantage, and put to death all those who preferred not to join or preferred to change. That led to crusades, fascism, jihads, and auto-da-fe.

  4. I know Americans are God’s chosen people just from watching the television news. Why else would reporters repeatedly begins stories in a manner such as, “A 747 crashed today in Japan, injuring a vacationing Detroit retiree who was on the ground near the site of the accident when a dirt clod struck him in the lower leg. He was treated at the scene and suffered no ill effects, but we have interviews with him, his family and someone who went to kindergarten with him 60 years ago. Oh, and 350 non-Americans died in the flaming inferno that engulfed the crash scene.” We are obviously the most important people that have ever graced the Earth.

    • Cotton Boll: Just another manifestation of the obvious. Along with a dark message to the Chosen that if they roam around outside the Promised Land they can’t get immunity from the consequences. I appreciate you pointing out the fact the news media’s cooperating with God’s wishes. Gracias, J

      • You must be referring to some specific kind of Americans those who fit your image!

        • Hi leanpower. Thanks for coming by again. Actually I’m referring to God and the people He chooses to call Chosen. And why He chooses them. And how human beings can discern who is Chosen, and who isn’t Chosen. And how a person can rely on observable evidence to arrive at answers that make sense, rather than relying on ancient texts that don’t make any sense at all when they’re compared to plain, observable historical evidence regarding the preferences of God, as opposed to wishful thinking by people who hang onto the myth they’re still Chosen. That sort of thing. Thanks for the remarks. I hope this clears things up for you. J

        • You’ve got a problem. So do a lot of others who tend to rhyme with you. Doesn’t have anything to do with Americans. It has do do with you and the particular sort of person you are. Probably a gene-pool issue combined with environmental factors. Humanity ends up with all manner of aggressively obnoxious assholes. Hitlers, rappers, gang rapers, and people who devote their lives to selling war weaponry and enrich themselves on the suffering of anonymous thousands. I appreciate you coming around here occasionally reminding me that the real problem with the human species finds individuals to manifest itself in. Lucky you and your ilk. Thanks for coming by. Jack

          • The pot calling the pan black! You have been voicing your ignorant, out of context vitriol that only a fool, or a bigot could marshal without blinking an eye. Obviously your cardiac event had a debilitating impact on you. You got it in for all the meek of the earth. Did you turn into a TeaFartisan in your last days of talking to the cats, the sun, and the rocks and bushes of the desert as no human in his right mind will take you to be sane!
            Focus on your cojones that is the only place you might something of value, as I recall even your kin turned their back on you!

          • I love you leanpower. I thought so long bigots and Jew baiters invented people of your sort. But you’ve convinced me you are real. Thank you. J

  5. I wonder if because the Jews and Assyrians were amongst the first to invent an alphabet [not unlike Greek which derived from it] and therefore had invented writing.. began to write stories and parables about their history… and some of that included having spiritual experiences and inventing Monotheism… from which Xtianity and Islam developed later… so their talent for writing made them “chosen”.They do seem to be highly intelligent in many ways like winning Nobel prizes.so it’s a pity they are not able to use it to create better solutions in Israel.Many ultra-Orthodox Jews believe Zionism is/was wrong.. now we don’t want Israel to vanish but we would all like some settlement if that is possible as the killing and destruction in Gaza lately does not impress us at all.I have read some blogs from there and the writers have a bullying quality if questioned. at all… so dreadful but it’s the next generation who must find an answer as all that area is going crazy now

    • Katherine: You might be right. Or it might just be the fact any fragment of the human species can find excuses to steal, rape, ravage, enslave any group discovered to be weak enough to do it with a reasonably low cost to the fragment of the first part. It’s not easy for any unbiased observer to discern a difference between the people in the holy texts and the non-chosen people in the stories. And Zionists appear to be identical in every way to Palestinians, Syrians, blustering Americans, Russians, French, British and Irish, to name a few. Likely they’re all Chosen. Jack

  6. I must look into the history of when exactly the called themselves chosen.All humans are pretty similar.I know maths was invented in that area as it was the first part of the world to have settled people and rulers who wanted goods or money so they invented geometry to measure the size of people’s land and taxed them accordingly.As the rivers often flooded the size of people’s land changed frequently…
    They were all pretty murderous including the Greeks.. self destructive urges seem in built….yes,I am unsure who were the very first people to write but it was in the Middle East where it began…seems sad that having been advanced they now are in a spiral of madness…. but that is human beings for you, Kath..

  7. You stopped making sense a long time ago! Go back to the conversation with your cats!

  8. theres no denying the United Stated is a country that was founded by God fearing people therefore blessed by God in every way but you also cant deny that it has strayed from the God you really believe God continues to bless the coyuntry after it has turned their back on him? sure God in forgiving but how could God and anyone for that matter forgive someone that doesnt repent for their transgressions? God is patient and loving so has giving the country time to reflect on how it has sinned against him but patient runs out and soon we will be judged and those blessing will turn into judgement i myself am not an American but still believe God favors the USA its just a shame americans have failed to appreciate that

  9. If nothing else the last presidential elections proved that Americans are not a chosen people, not even half of the American are god fearing people, if they were they must have kicked god out of America so they won’t have to face him. Most of the Americans are the Molech of Gold worshippers, and thus we won’t have any part of them in a house of the Lord.

  10. Pingback: All these free kids flooding into the country and they want to send them BACK? | So Far From Heaven

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