Daily Archives: August 30, 2013

You couldn’t make this crap up

  1. Guy in the US White House trying to come up with a time since the Revolutionary War when France wasn’t a liability for its allies,
  2. China prohibiting reincarnation without government permission,
  3. Circus Clown muscle man Putin, Poooootin, Russian Some-Damned-Thing-or-Other, flexing his muscles wanting to arm wrestle someone.  Threatening, I’m not BSing you, to bomb Saudi Arabia?
  4. Female women in the US seriously and with straight faces discussing Hillary Freaking Clinton as a candidate for US President????
  5. Some bunch of yokels comparing themselves to the Boston Tea Party doers, carrying signs and pretending to have read the US Constitution?  Wanting more of what the guy before this one gave International Bankers and Corporations, WMDs, and everyone else who flies First Class when they travel???
  6. Another bunch of kneejerks looking the other way every time another lie comes out of the mouth of this White House guy, then praising him?
  7. Did I mention Hillary Clinton?

It’s almost enough to make me question representative democracy.

Old Jules

Is it wrong to allow millions of wild-eyed religious fanatic lunatics to slaughter one another?

Fact is we can’t stop them.  They all think they have a hotline to God, or Allah.

The Israeli part is so self-consumed it let 2000 years slip by without noticing, then came trotting back thinking the property they used to own still belonged to them.  The Muslims sure-as-hell hate the Israeli ones, but they also hate one-another in-between times enough to make up for anything lost in the process.

Heck, maybe they’re all correct in their thinking.  I’d sure as hell hate to have any of them for neighbors, though I’d have to be closer to the issue to know whether I’d want to kill them.  I can sympathize with each group over there, though, and understand how they’d want to kill off all the others.  Not because of what they believe doctrinally, but because of what they are.

What they are is a geographic conglomeration of kill crazy fanatics who have oil everyone used to need.

But everyone doesn’t need to need the lunatic oil source anymore.  Recent oil discoveries just under Texas, alone, are enough to supply all the US energy needs, and the discoveries under the rest of the US should be able to supply the rest of the world.

No need to wring our hands about what the oil Sheiks  and Chosen people do to one another.  Just back off and let them do it.

If they want to get along with one another they can do it.  Hell, they all come out of the same gene pool.  They’re distant family.

But if they don’t want to get along, if they’d rather slaughter one another, and if no outsiders can ‘understand’ why enough to think of a way to stop them, is it wrong to allow them to do it?  Stay out of the troubles they’ve made for themselves?  Just let them settle the whole thing with a giant orgasm of bloodshed?

And is it wrong to believe it would be a relief to no longer have to hear, or think about them.  Is it wrong to think maybe the rest of the world could get along peacefully if the Middle East were voluntarily and enthusiastically de-populated by its inhabitants?

Is it wrong that it’s actually a soothing, peaceful thought the world would have that particular brand of bullshit behind it?

Old Jules

Tagged:  middle east, Muslims, Jews, oil, war, energy

Intelligent, peace loving non-Zionist Jews – Maybe the only hope for Israel

Hi readers.  Thanks for coming by for a read.

One of the tragedies of the modern-day Israel is that it’s succeeded in riding the German holocaust and exploiting that tragedy in such a way as to allow accusations of anti-Semitism whenever anyone criticizes Israel.  The only people exempt from this manipulation and guilt mongering are Jewish.  The sane ones living all over the world who haven’t fallen into the pit of Zionist self-aggrandizing devil-take-the-hindmost NAZI land grabbing and war mongering.

Nobody wants to see Israel destroy itself.  Nobody wants to see it manipulate the US and other powerful allies into wars among themselves for the ultimate ‘benefit’ of Israel, a few more yards or miles of Zionist-occupied territory.

All over the world Jews have demonstrated ability in their fields, have become vital and valid parts of the countries they occupy.  Many of those Jews are as critical and horrified by the behavior of Zionists as non-Jewish peace-minded people.

But those sane Jews have an advantage no non-Jewish person can exploit.  They could approach the people in power in the US and other countries where they reside and point out the disaster Israel is in the Middle East.  And Zionists couldn’t accuse them of being anti-Semitic, as they do all other comers.

Sane Jews everywhere could pressure their governments to cease providing military aid to Israel until the Zionists agree to make honest efforts toward peace with their neighbors.  Until they withdraw from territories and real estate they have no business occupying.  Until they get rid of the nuclear weapons they’ve acquired.  And until they cease rocket-rattling and tend their own affairs.

Hopefully eventually Jews who are just regular people will be able to recognize they’re the only ones who can do it.  Maybe they can save Israel from destroying itself through bronze-age zealotry.  Maybe Masada won’t have to fall again to bring some peace and quiet to the Middle East.

Old Jules

Tagged: Zionism, Zionist, Israel, Jews, religion, politics, Middle East, Masada, anti-Semitism

‘Need’ a woman for president? No. We need a trans-sexual for president

Hi readers.

Sitting in the $5 [for seniors] pizza buffet joint in Kerrville last trip I couldn’t help overhearing a conversation between several young women in the next booth.  They were agreeing among themselves that the US needs a woman in the White House.  Evidently it’s a matter of a woman would do things a man of whatever ethnic group wouldn’t.  They didn’t go into what that might be.

But as the conversation developed it was clear they were unanimous on the identity of the woman of choice.  Hillary Clinton.  Whew.  Another shot at keeping the US presidency in the hands of people with the same surnames as previous occupants. 

I couldn’t care less what gender the person in the White House is, I thought as I listened.  But I’d sure as hell hate to see the Clinton surname having to my thoughts again.  We’d be landslided with the sexual behaviors of the First Man, and possibly those of the Lady herself.  Probably get Janet Reno back in the Attorney General slot.  Re-open that CIA airstrip in Arkansas to bring in planeloads of cocaine and heroine to be sold down in the hoods.

But if minority status is the perfect criterion for filling the office of president, probably it would be best to check as many boxes as possible at the same time.  Otherwise it will take forever to get it so’s anything can be accomplished.

The next president of the US needs to be able to switch back-and-forth between male and female, for beginners.  His granddad needs to have been black, his mother Asiatic, his father Hispanic.  Which narrows things down a lot when it comes to finding someone to fill the bill.

But in addition, the Trannie in the White House needs to be both handsome and virile, when a man, and sexy, provocative, easy-on-the-eye, when a female.  Needs to give women a thrill, on the one hand, and men erections, on the other.

All things to all people.

The only downside I can think of is probably there are people of that description named Clinton, and Bush, and Kennedy, and Roosevelt. 

Hell you can’t have everything.

Old Jules

Tags: representative democracy, politics, government, gender, human behavior, US President, trans sexual, gender, gender politics, minority, minority politics

Saved by the British? Wow!

Hi readers.  Thanks for coming by.

My friend Rich explained on the phone last night that this guy in the White House had his heart set on embarking on a new military adventure.  Wants to bomb the bejesus out of Syria, of all places.  Sounds as though he wants to take a page out of the Bush book and use the second-cousin of WMD to justify it.

But at least the Brits have some questions in their minds left over from the last time they believed a lying US president and got themselves into a stewpot.  Plus, no doubt the ‘What’s in if for me?‘ part of the equation didn’t work out.

Evidently Israel, who probably provided the chemical weapons to the party who used them, and the French are just about the only people in the world with any enthusiasm forselective humanitarianism. 

The Chinese say, “Hey, let’s have a closer look at all this crap and find out whether anyone’s telling the truth about any part of it before we jump in chasing imaginary WMDs.”   Likely the Chinese are well aware of the propensity of US presidents for stretching the truth and trotting off into military interventions, false flag terrorism, and just lying for the sake of lying.  And no doubt they’ve got a fair idea who is hiding next door blowing into the coals of “Let’s you and him fight.”  Probably figuring they might be able to come out of it with a few inadvertent more miles of territory belonging to someone else.

Sheeze.  Sounds as though for once a presidential war might be avoided, and that the Brits might be a crucial part of the reason.

Wonders never cease.  Maybe if everyone but the French can keep their testosteronies under control, and if the Israeli  Security people can’t find an Archduke Ferdinand to off,  WWI can be prevented this time around.

Old Jules

Tags:  Syria, Israel, presidential war, US government, britain, france, WMD, Bush, false flag, chemical weapons, humanitarian